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  2. Essential Features

How do I hide and moderate hurtful or defamatory comments in my discussions?

Keep Mindhive a welcoming and professional platform for all its users

To Hide and Moderate an inappropriate Topic or comment:

  1. Select a discussion you have created that you wish to moderate
  2. Click the options button of the topic or comment you wish to moderate (shaped like 3 vertical dots)
  3. Click Moderate

To display a topic or comment that you have hidden:

  1. Click the options button of the topic or comment currently being moderated.
  2. Click Reactivate.


In conjunction with manual moderation, Mindhive makes use of an automatic language filtering system across the entire platform. This ensures that certain words intended to harm, defame, or abuse our users will be preemptively blocked from entering the platform.

This filter applies to:

  • The creation of Discussions.
  • Discussion topics and comments.

Video Demonstration