How does Mindhive work?

What is Mindhive and how do I use it?

How does Mindhive work?

In brief, Mindhive lets you

  • Ask a question
  • Discuss the issues
  • Ideate Key Points
  • Report the Findings

For more details, continue reading.

Ask A Question

  • Host public discussion

  • Host private (not listed) discussion*

  • Host invite-only discussions*

  • Allow incognito mode (comment anonymously)*

Discuss the Issues

  • State your point of view (topic)

  • Threaded replies (comments)

  • Endorse (likes)

  • Daily activity summary (hosts)

  • ‘As-it-happens’ notifications

Ideate Key Points

  • Highlight insights and important notes

  • Group similar insights into idea categories

  • Focused discussion on idea categories

Report the Findings

  • Thank your participants

  • Summarise key findings and insights

  • List the next steps and resources for further engagement

  • Recognise critical participants for their contributions

  • Publish/share^

* Requires a Premium account
^ This feature is planned for future release


Learn how does Mindhive work in details.